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30 Oct 2008

AsiaWorld-Expo strengthens support to Hong Kong SMEs with range of initiatives and incentives

In show of continuous support for the development and growth of Hong Kong SMEs*, AsiaWorld-Expo - Asia's leading exhibitions and events venue, today unveils a range of initiatives specifically designed to help the industry combat the challenges brought on by the current international financial crisis and economic distress. These special incentives for Hong Kong SMEs include the following**:

  1. All new bookings of trade exhibitions to be held between 2009 and 2010 will be entitled to a 15% discount on rental of exhibition halls for the net areas occupied by Hong Kong SMEs (venue and respective organisers of these new trade exhibition bookings will work together to ensure the incentives are passed to the Hong Kong SME exhibitors);
  2. All new rental of meeting room facilities made by Hong Kong SMEs for events in 2009 and 2010 will enjoy a 25% discount;
  3. Hong Kong SMEs will receive a 35% discount on rental of conference facilities*** at AsiaWorld-Expo during July, August and December 2009; and
  4. Hong Kong SMEs will receive extra complimentary transportation to and from AsiaWorld-Expo as appropriate in addition to the transportation services provided by the trade exhibition organisers in 2009 and 2010.

"Hong Kong SMEs are a key driving force behind Hong Kong's strong economic achievements and we are committed to supporting their continuous growth and development especially throughout these difficult times," says Mr Allen Ha, Chief Executive Officer of AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited.

AsiaWorld-Expo will continue to monitor industry conditions to ensure that further proactive action will be taken as appropriate and when required.

* Please refer to the definition of SME by the HKSAR Government.
** Subject to relevant terms and conditions which are applicable to this scheme. Please contact AsiaWorld-Expo for details.
*** With the exceptions of AsiaWorld-Summit and Business Centre facilities.

Media Contact

For media enquiries, please contact AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited:

Kenneth Chan
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889
Fiona Lau
Tel: 3606 8888
Fax: 3606 8889