Event Details Transnational organized crimes (TOCs), such as drug trafficking, wildlife smuggling and tax evasion, have remained critical enforcement challenges for customs administrations. The intricate networks of money laundering on the other hand perpetuates the TOCs by transferring illicit funds across borders through the exploitation of different means, in particular the international trade and cross-boundary movement of people and goods, and even the borderless transfer of value through virtual currencies. The challenges combined have registered a pressing need for enforcement collaboration in the international Customs community to join hands in the fight against these cross-border criminal activities. Against this backdrop, HKC and RILO A/P are going to co-organize the Forum and bring together experts from international organizations, local and overseas industry professionals, Customs counterparts and law enforcement agencies from the Asia Pacific region to explore strategies and develop insights into effective measures to combat money laundering and TOCs. READ MORE
Contact Tel: (852) 3759-2120 Email: kennex_cw_li@customs.gov.hk Website: https://www.customs.gov.hk/tc/home/index.html Website: http://riloap.org/rilo2/main